Big Monsters 6

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UNIT 6 for teachers

Measurable learning standards and results.     UNIT 6: Why are you so happy?

Measurable learning standards and results.     UNIT 6: Why are you so happy?

Measurable learning standard:







PLEB1.3. Understands what is told in simple usual transactions (instructions, indications, requests and warnings).







PLEB1.4. Identifies the topic of a predictable daily conversation which takes place in her/his presence (for instance: in a shop or in a train).







PLEB1.5. Understands the essential information in brief and simple conversations in which s/he participates, which deal with familiar topics such as oneself, family, school, free time, and the description of an object or a place.







PLEB1.6. Understands the main ideas of simple and well-structured presentations on familiar topics or of his/her interest (e.g. music, sports, etc.), as long as it has images and illustrations and it is spoken in a slow and clear way.







PLEB1.7. Understands the general and essential sense and distinguish the changes of topic of TV programmes or of another audio-visual and multimedia material in his/her area of interest (e.g. those in which youngsters or celebrities are asked about daily topics (e.g. what they like to do in their free time) or in which they inform about leisure activities (theatre, cinema, sports events, etc.).







PLEB2.1. The child makes brief and simple presentations, previously prepared and essayed, about daily topics or of his or her interest (to introduce oneself and to introduce other people; to give basic information about oneself, one’s family and one’s class; to indicate one’s hobbies and interests, and the main activities of one’s daily life; to describe briefly and in a simple way one’s bedroom, one’s favourite menu and the appearance of a person or an object; to introduce a topic of one’s interest (one’s favourite music group); to say what one likes or dislikes and to give one’s opinion) using simple structures and with an understandable pronunciation and intonation.







PLEB3.3. Understands correspondence (SMS, electronic mails and postcards) brief and simple which deals with familiar topics such as oneself, family, school, free time, the description of an object or of a place, the indication of time or place for an appointment, etc.







PLEB3.4. Understands the essential and the main points of brief news and articles from magazines for teenagers which deal with topics which are familiar or of the child’s interest (sports, musical groups or computer games).







PLEB3.5. Understands the essential from brief and well-structured stories and identifies the main characters, as long as the image and the action drive a great part of the plot (adapted readings, comics, etc.).







PLEB3.6. Uses in a appropriate way the basic orthographic signs (e.g. dot and comma), as well as frequent symbols (e.g. J, @ or £).







PLEB4.1. Completes a brief application form or a worksheet with his or her personal data (e.g. to register in the social networks, to open an account of electronic mail, etc.).







PLEB4.2. Writes brief and simple personal correspondence (messages, notes, postcards, mails, chats or SMS) in which s/he thanks, congratulates someone, makes an invitation, gives instructions or talks about him/herself and his/her immediate environment (family, friends, hobbies, daily activities, objects and places) and asks about these topics.







PLEB5.1. Understands the essential information in brief and simple conversations in which s/he participates which deal with familiar topics, such as oneself, family, school, free time and description of an object or a place.







PLEB5.3. Participates in conversations which take place face-to-face or with technical support (telephone, Skype) in which social contact is established (to thank, to greet, to say goodbye, to address to somebody, to apologise, to introduce oneself, to show concern about somebody’s status, to compliment someone), in which personal information about daily business is exchanged, in which feelings are expressed, something is offered or borrowed, in which a meeting with friends is set or in which instructions are given (e.g. how to reach a place with the help of a map).







PLEB5.5 Compares linguistic and cultural aspects of the languages which s/he knows to improve his or her learning process and to achieve an integrated competences through audio-visual and multi-media productions and artistic expressions.