Lesson 5: Review!

About useful words:


Translate into English: 

 - e

 - ou

 - pero/mais

 - porque

- nada

- algo

- hoxe

- mañá

- onte

- antes de

- despois de

- agora

- agora mesmo

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Choose the correct option: 

a) In my garage (+) a big spider last Tuesday, but (-) an insect now because it's very very clean at this moment!

b) - an elf on my head now?

-Yes, teacher! a tall elf on your head at this moment!

c) presents for all my students under the Christmas tree? Yes, !!! Look!

d) Last year presents in this classroom, but nowadays we are lucky and three big games for sharing.

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Present simple or continuous?


Complete with the correct tense: 

a) Look! Santa Claus (+, to drink) the milk we leave on the table!

b) On Christmas Eve we usually (+, to drink)  orange juice. 

c) Help, help! There's a reindeer on my garden and it (+, to eat) all the grass! 

d) reindeers (to eat) carrots? Yes, they do! Rudolph (+, to love) fresh carrots!

e) Uncle Tom and Aunt Sarah  (+, to cook) a special meal for all my family. They are great cooks, they usually (+ to cook) smashed potatoes and turkey, but today, I don't know what they

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Wh- questions:


Select the appropriate option: 

a) is this man? He is Santa Claus. 

b) does he live? He lives in the North Pole. 

c) does he delivers the gifts? On Christmas.

d) do I have to go to sleep? At nine o'clock in the evening. 

e) Sundays are included in the advent period? Four Sundays at least. 

f) is a red nose? It is Rudolph's. 

g) water does Santa drink at each house? He drinks a glass of water or less.

h) is Santa Claus wearing a sac? Because he needs to carry gifts in it. 

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Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false: 

Pregunta 1

a) Santa Claus travels by boat on Christmas. 

Pregunta 2

b) The mistletoe is a plant. 

Pregunta 3

c) Santa Claus brings cake in his sac. 

Pregunta 4

Guess what...


Who are Dancer and Prancer?