Lesson 2: How often do you eat apples?





How often? 🤔

(Con que frecuencia?)

Adverbs of frequency: 

Always✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️. (= Sempre)

Usually✔️✔️✔️✔️.     (= Normalmente)

Often✔️✔️✔️.             (= A miúdo)

Sometimes✔️✔️.        (= Ás veces)

Hardly ever ✔️.           (= Case nunca)

Never ❎.                    (= Nunca)

How often do you...?


Translate these sentences into English:

A)    Yaiza nunca vai á escola os Domingos.


B)    Eu ás veces leo comics en inglés.


C)    Ti sempre falas en español.


D)    Nós normalmente xogamos coa Play Station 4.



E)    Ela case nunca come chocolate porque non lle gusta.

F)     Nós a miúdo imos a Londres en avión. 


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Write about yourself in your notebook: 


You have to answer these questions in your composition:

How often do you… ?     

a.     brush your teeth?

b.     wash your hair?

c.      eat fish?

d.     have soft drinks?

e.     talk to your friends?

Once upon a time...



When we ask 'how often do you...?' We can answer by explaining how many times we do something. 

'Once' means one time.


'Once a week I go to the swimming pool' (= Unha vez á semana, vou á piscina). 

'Once a day, I water the plants'. (= Unha vez ao día, rego as prantas).

'Once a month, I go to the dentist'. (= Unha vez ao mes, vou á/ao dentista).

'Once a year, I travel to Africa'. (= Unha vez ao ano, viaxo a África). 

'Twice' means two times.


'Twice a week, I play football'. (=Dúas veces á semana, xogo ao fútbol).

'Twice a day, I eat a snack'. (= Dúas veces ao día, como un aperitivo). 

Then, we use 'three times...', 'four times...', 'five times...', etc.


'Three times a year, I go to Disneyland' (=Tres veces ao ano, vou a Disneyland)

'Six times a day, I drink water' (=Seis veces ao día, bebo auga). 

How often...?


This is Sophie's timetable. Read it and complete the exercises: 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
07:45 milk with cereals bread with avocado bread with tomato orange, apple and cheese eggs and beans milk with cereals yoghurt and plums
12:00 apple and grapes strawberries and plums yoghurt and strawberries bread with tomato avocado with tomato and bread banana and orange orange with biscuits

salad: cucumber, tomato, carrot, eggs, fish, onion and pasta

pasta, carrot, red pepper, pumpkin and chicken rice with eggs, peas, broccoli and carrots potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, peas, pumpkin and meat pasta, onion, green pepper, fish, garlic, cheese and tomato sauce lentils, mushrooms, carrots, tomato and potatoes cauliflower, rice, pumpkin,  fish and salade (avocado, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, onion, carrots)
17:30 bread with avocado, yoghurt and banana grapes, sandwich (bread, cheese and ham) banana and peanuts apple, milk and strawberries yoghurt with strawberry, melon and banana watermelon, peanuts, banana and cheese watermelon, melon, grapes and kiwi
20:15 chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, carrot, apple quinoa, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, corn, pineapple and eggs potato, onion, mushrooms, red pepper, tuna and melon quinoa, chicken, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrot and spinachs carrot, peas, egg, toast (bread, tomato, avocado and oil) and peach pineapple pasta, seafood, green and red pepper, onion, carrot, tomato and grapes pizza (bread, tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, chicken, pineapple) and apple

a) What meal does Sophie eat at 7:45?

She eats a .

b) At what time does she have lunch?

She has lunch at two.

c) How many times a week does Sophie eat watermelon?

She eats watermelon a week. 

d) How many times a week does Sophie eats kiwi?

She eats kiwi a week.

e) How many times a week does she eat mushrooms?

She eats mushrooms a week. 

f) In which meal does Sophie eat pineapple (breakfast, lunch, dinner...)?

She eats pineapple at .

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About Sophie's menu...


Read again Sophie's menu from the previous exercise and answer these questions:

a) How often does Sophie eat cucumber?

She eats cucumber .

b) How often does she eats orange?

She eats chicken

c) How often does she eats banana?

She eats banana .

d) How often does she eat biscuits?

She eats biscuits .

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Read again Sophie's menu and choose the correct options: 

Pregunta 1

a) Sophie never eats kiwi.

Pregunta 2

b) She usually eats chocolate. 

Pregunta 3

c) Sophie hardly ever eats biscuits. 

Pregunta 4

d) She always eat carrots. 

Pregunta 5

e) Sophie sometimes eats cheese. 

Pregunta 6

f) She always eats fruit. 



Write the months of the year:

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Do you know that...?


'One apple a day keeps the doctor away'...

Apples are very healthy!