Lesson 6: Review!



Write the name of these sports in English:

  1. - taekwondo
  2. - surf
  3. - atletismo
  4. - vela
  5. - ioga
  6. - correr
  7. - karate
  8. - mergullo
  9. - escalada en rocha
  10. - esquí

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Free time:


Read and choose the correct translation:

  1.  - ir facer senderismo
  2.  - ir facer senderismo
  3.  - ir nadar
  4.  - sacar fotos
  5.  - bailar
  6.  - xogar ao voleibol
  7.  - tocar un instrumento musical


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Create the -ing form of these verbs:

a) get -

b) move -

c) hike -

d) write -

e) speak -

f) walk -

g) read -  

h) study -

i) sleep -

i) play -

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Present continuous:


Read and decide the correct option: 

(+) means affirmative

(-) means negative

a) Is the cat sleeping? (+)  

b) Is your uncle dancing? (+)

c) Are your relatives coming tonight? (+)

d) Is that penguin swimming now? (-)

e) Am I dreaming? (-)

f) Are Sheila and Fiona climbing a rock? (-)

g) Are Patrick and you listening to music right now? (+)

h) Am I singing a song? (+)

i) Are you going to school? (-)

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