Lesson 4: Are you in an island?




By changing the fom of the adjectives, we can create comparisons.

Example: My dog is older than your cat. 

To create comparisons, we need to change the adjectives. How?

a) Long adjectives (adjectives of two or more syllables, except the adjectives with two syllables ending by '-y'):

Example: talkative --> more talkative than --> A parrot is more talkative than a pidgeon. 

b) Short adjectives (adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of one syllable which end by '-y'): 

Example: small --> smaller than --> This cat is smaller than that rabbit. 


  • - A short adjective which ends by '-e', adds '-r' + 'than', instead of '-er' + 'than'. (Example: large, nice. This T-shirt is larger than yours. My dog is nicer than my bird).

  • - If an adjective of one syllable ends by consonant-vowel-consonant, we have to double the last consonant. (Example: big, fat. George is bigger than Tim. This hen is fatter than that duck!)

  • - If an adjective of two syllables ends by a '-y', it changes into '-ier'. (Example: happy.  I'm happier than you). 

  • - Some adjectives are irregular: 



  • good -> better (than)

  • bad -> worse (than)

  • far -> further/farther (than)

  • many -> more (than)

  • little -> less (than)




To create superlatives, we have to change the adjectives. 

Example: My dog is the oldest animal in this room.

To create comparisons, we need to change the adjectives. How?

a) Long adjectives (adjectives of two or more syllables, except the adjectives with two syllables ending by '-y'):

Example: talkative --> the most talkative --> Parrots are the most talkative birds in the Earth. 

b) Short adjectives (adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of one syllable which end by '-y'): 

Example: small --> the smallest --> Pete is the smallest cat in the town. 


  • - A short adjective which ends by '-e', adds '-st', instead of '-est'. (Example: large, nice. This T-shirt is the largest one of my suitcase. My dog is the nicest animal in this house).

  • - If an adjective of one syllable ends by consonant-vowel-consonant, we have to double the last consonant. (Example: big, fat. Samuel is the biggest bear of this mountain. This hen is the fastest one!)

  • - If an adjective of two syllables ends by a '-y', it changes into '-iest'. (Example: happy.  I'm the happiest teacher in the world). 

  • - Some adjectives are irregular: 



  • good -> the best

  • bad -> the worst

  • far -> the furthest/farthest 

  • many -> the most

  • little -> the least

Creating comparatives...


Read the adjective and create its comparative form as in the example: 

a) big - bigger 

b)  Small -

c) Long -

d) Tall -

e) Large -

f) Short -

g) Fat -

h) Thin -

i) Happy -

j) Sad -

k) Angry -

l) Intelligent -

m) Smart -  

n) Noisy -

o) Talkative -

p) Lazy -

q) Hard-working -

r) Dangerous -

s) Strong -

t) Weak-

u) Powerful -

v) Funny - funnier

w) Beautiful -

x) Interesting -

y) Good -

z) Bad -

aa) Expensive -

ab) Cheap -

ac) Rich -

ad) Poor -

ae) Fast -

af) Slow -

ag) Nice -

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Translate these sentences into English: 

a) Esta montaña é máis curta que unha casa.  

b) O meu irmán é máis alto que a miña irmá.  

c) O meu primo é o home máis alto da familia.  

d) Este é o gato máis gordo de Galicia.

e) Katy é máis traballadora que Britney.

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