Lesson 5: Days, months, seasons...

About adverbs of frequency:


Remember the adverbs of frequency and write them according to the symbols: 

a) My aunt Rose ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ eats cereals in the morning.

b) Uncle John ❎ drinks coffee.

c) My cousin Stephanie ✔️✔️ eats eggs with beans as a breakfast. 

d) I ✔️ drink juice.

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Read the sentences and translate them: 

a) Ti sempre lavas a túa cara pola mañá.  

b) Eu normalmente como cenorias con pemento os mércores pola tarde.  

c) Vós nunca tocades o piano pola noite.  

d) Ela a veces toma unha ducha pola tardiña.  

e) Eles case nunca cepillan os (seus) dentes.  

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Listen and choose:

(1) Hello, I'm Amanda and I live in Oxford. 

(2) I have breakfast at half past seven with my father and my sister.

(3) On Mondays, I go to school at , but from Tuesday to Friday, I go to school at .

(4) I wake up at and I have a shower at seven o'clock, but sometimes I have shower .

(5) I brush my teeth at school after the break, because I eat a piece of fruit or a sandwich. 

(6) I drink juice, I drink water and I drink coffee!

(7) I usually have lunch , but on some I have lunch because I eat that meal with all my family in my grandparents' house. 

(8) I play the trombone , and I play basketball . Then, I help my father.

(9) We and we have dinner .

(10) I go to bed and I read until I fall asleep!

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What happens in...?


What happens in the United Kingdom on the first day of April?