Lesson 1: Why? Because...

Wh- questions:



  • When? (Cando?) 

When's your birthday? (Cando é o teu cumpleanos?)

  • What? (Que? / Cal?)

What's your favourite colour? (Cal e a túa cor favorita?)

  • Who? (Quen?)

Who's your favourite cousin? (Cal é o teu/ a túa primo/curmán/prima/curmá favorito/a?)

  • Where? (Onde?)

Where's your school? (Onde é a túa escola?)

  • Why? (Por que?) 

Why are you crying? (Por que estás a chorar?)

  • How? (Como?)

How are you? (Como estás?)

  • Which? (Cal?)

Which pencil is yours? (Cal/Que lapis é {o} teu?)

  • How often? (Con que frecuencia?)

How often do you brush your teeth? (Con que frecuencia cepillas os dentes?

  • How much? (Canto/a?)

How much sugar do you want? (Canto azucre queres?)

  • How many? (Cantos/as?) 

How many crayons do you need? (Cantas pinturas necesitas?)

Wh- ...?


Read the sentences and decide which word fits better:

a) is that boy? He is my brother Lucas. 

b) is my schoolbag? It is under the table, look!

c) is this? It is an apple.

d) is your birthday? It's on Monday!

e) is it? It is nine o'clock. 

f) are you? I am thirteen years old. 

g) are you? I am fantastic! Thank you! 

h) milk do you want? I want just a cup of milk, please!

i) cookies do you prefer? None, thank you! I prefer two cherries, please. 

j) is the red car? The red car is Teacher Paul's!

k) of these colours do you prefer? I prefer the green one, please!

l) are you eating now? Because I am very very hungry!

m) do you visit your cousins? I visit my cousins twice a week. 

n) do you travel to Brazil? I travel to Brazil in May. 

o) are you eating? I am eating a delicious salad right now!

p) is this T-shirt? It is mine! 

q) is your rubber? I don't know, teacher!

r) brothers have you got? I have got five brothers!

s) water do you want? I only want one glass of water, please. 

t) do I draw a cat? First, draw a circle, then add two triangles as the ears...

u) do you play the bagpipe? I play the bagpipe four times a week. 

v) is that woman at the door? She is my mother!

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In your notebook, write an interview with questions and answers. Use wh- words: 

Guess what...


How many states form the North American country called USA (United States of America)?