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WRITING: Around the classroom in 20 breakfasts

A typical breakfast

The picture below illustrates a typical breakfast in Spain. In your notebook or in an electronic document, write the food items that you can see.


A typical breakfast. Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA

My breakfast

Read the text below.


Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA


Write a similar text in between 80-120 words. Include information about:

  • Where you eat it. What time.
  • Who you have breakfast with
  • What you have for breakfast

 When you finish, share the text with your teacher in electronic format.

Bonus task

Take a photo of the breakfast you described in your writing task. Share the photo with the teacher to create a collaborative multimedia album: "Around the class in 20 breakfast".

Here you have the first slide. Click the icons that appear in the left hand side.

Album de Ana Losada e José Luis Murado en Voicethread Licenza de Voicethread estándar