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READING: Around the world in 5 breakfasts

5 breakfasts

Read the following texts and do the tasks. 

First of all, can you match every picture with the correct text?


Ana Losada e José Luis Murado.CC BY-SA



Ana Losada e José Luis Murado.CC BY-SA


Laetitia - 5, Makiko - 3, Rowan - 1, Ahmed - 4, Lisa - 2

Now, say if the following statements are True or False.

Question 1

1. Laetitia and Marie take the same food for breakfast.

Question 2

2. Marie often has coffee and milk for breakfast.

Question 3

3. Makiko and her family eat very different things for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Question 4

4. In Japan a lot of people don’t have a traditional breakfast.

Question 5

5. Rowan has breakfast at home every day.

Question 6

6. Rowan eats arepas twice a week.

Question 7

7. Ahmed’s parents have a strong drink for breakfast.

Question 8

8. Ahmed doesn’t like sweet drinks.

Question 9

9. Linda eats a lot for breakfast.

Question 10

10. Linda takes a long time to prepare her breakfast.

Task 2

Read the statements below and fill in the gaps with the following words from the previous text.

Aussie - Café - Delicious - Fried - Nuts - Seaweed - White coffee

1. means cooked in oil over direct heat.

2. A is a coffee bar serving light meals and refreshments.

3. is a synonym of coffee and milk.

4. is the opposite of disgusting.

5. are a type of fruit, often hard and dry, enclosed in a shell is 

6. means from Australia.

7. refers to green plants of the sea

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Bonus task

Watch this 2 minute video which shows breakfast in as many as 15 different countries spread all over the world!

Which breakfast do you prefer? Tell the class.

What Does the World Eat for Breakfast? Vídeo de Buzzfeedyellow en YouTube. Licenza YouTube estándar