Introduction and objetives
"We live on Earth as if we had another one to go to" Terry Swearingen, American environmental activist.
The declaration of a climate emergency by the European Parliament in 2019 can give you an idea of the importance of knowing and understanding the situation we are in with regard to the sustainable use of energy and resources. We cannot continue to ignore the increase in extreme weather events (such as the case of the DANA in Valencia) and their relationship with climate change (in this link you can see the scientific article with the data that show the relationship between the DANA and the climate change). Humanity needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions much faster than it is doing. There are people, organizations, countries... that have been taking the initiative for years at a personal, professional, state level... to study and fully understand the situation we are in, inform the rest of society, propose solutions and carry them out. Thanks to the fact that more and more people in the world have access to education, and that Internet allows us to access information and be connected globally, we have an increasing capacity to understand what is happening, organize ourselves and unite.
This unit aims to help you:
Identify reliable sources of information

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The problem we have can only be solved by being a team. Every educated and informed person is a person with a greater capacity to join the team: to explain, argue and demonstrate with scientific data what is happening, to be AWARE, to act... If every day there are more of us fighting against climate change, it is because every day there are more of us who understand what it means and how we can fix it.
Pay attention to the type of data that appears in the unit, the sources of the information and how they are referenced (always coming, ultimately, from official bodies or scientific articles). Recognizing reliable sources of information will help you distinguish the veracity of the information you receive.
Learning to learn

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To help you become more and more independent in your learning, throughout the unit you will be given guidelines that will help you ask and answer questions like these for yourself:
1. What is my problem/task? What do I need to do? Identify what each task is about through the button that accompanies it (their meanings are explained in the user guide)
2. How can I do it? What is my plan? Follow the instructions in the guided problems to help you identify what each problem asks of you and the steps you need to follow to solve it. Complete the activities designed to help you select, relate, and integrate information. Marking text in bold, underlining, or highlighting helps you do this.
3. Am I following my plan? Self-observation and correction process in case of errors. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when you finish each activity you review the solution, mark your errors and correct them.
4. How did we do? When you do the assessment or self-assessment tests, take note of the difficulties you encountered, to reinforce the work on them.
Learning to ask these questions to solve classroom problems is practice for knowing how to deal with real problems, like the one we are dealing with, tomorrow.
Relate concepts

Try to follow the thread of the unit and relate the new information to your previous knowledge , from this subject or others. It is much easier to remember a photo of a puzzle in which we have fitted all the pieces together than a disorganized and meaningless image. Make the conceptual map of the unit, following the instructions given at the end of it.
Working as a team

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People are different. We have different brains, different ways of perceiving reality and processing information, life experiences that have given rise to different beliefs... We cannot expect another person who functions in a different way, has lived a different life, and has internalized their experiences in a different way, to think or behave the same as us. And the same thing happens globally. Between politicians. Between countries.
We need, now more than ever, to learn to communicate, understand each other and work together.