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ICT in the Music Classroom Activities 1

Cloze Activity

Listen to the sound files and complete the sentences with the missing words.

Ada Lovelace image
Alfred Edward Chalon . Portrait of Ada Lovelace cropped. Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)
1- ICT resources have meant a change in the dynamic and of the music class. It is now part of the syllabus content and it helps assimilate musical , increase and foster as well as get instant .
2- It is a downloadable free to produce and scores.

 3- You can , splice, and rotate videos, add surprising effects and with drag and drop and add text.

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was a British mathematician. She became interested in an article written on Charles Babbag's Calculating Machine and wrote a complete analysis about it, which is now considered the first computer program.

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Learning vocabulary

Listen and write the words.

Now that you have all the words, use a dictionary to know what they mean in relation to computer technologies. Here you have some links to help you: Dictionary 1, 2, 3.

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Cloze Activity

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

Transfer data or files from one location to another.
Leave your bag on the floor. 
Send content to the Internet.
An expensive mobile phone.
The physical parts of a computer.
Applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.
  The legal right of the owner of intellectual property.
My right to copy anything I want.
Anybody's right to copy anything from the Internet.
 Something which is not very cold.
A file created with an overall layout to be used with one or more documents.
Anybody's right to copy anything from the Internet.
A visual effect that happens between each photo, slide, or video clip.
A journey from one place to another.
A webpage that can be used by different people.
Operating system
It is the place you go when you need an operation.
It is the type of videos you can see in a phone.
It is software that controls the operation of a computer and directs the processing of programs.

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