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A World of Music Activities 4

A World of Music. Analysing information

According to the information below, are the statements true or false? Write X in the correct column. For further information, check the feedback button.

1. Pop music developed after rock music. 
2. Pop music started to develop in the 20th century. 
3. Rappers create the music and DJs sing the lyrics.
4. Authors planned dance music to be performed at huge concerts. 
5. Madonna, Kate Perry and Beyoncé are pop singers. 
6. Grunge songs talk about love, emotions and happiness.
7. Pop music creates songs which are easy to sing and remember.
8. Reggaeton and bachata are latin musics.

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A World of Music. Projects

InternetNow that we have read something about the music from 1950 up to now, it is time to work on it. Here you can find a couple of projects. Your teacher will recommend which one to choose.

A) In pairs, you are going to search the web and find information about other music movements from the 1950s till now: ska, punk rock, electronic music, house, reggae, heavy metal, etc. Your teacher will create a shared slideshow (with Google slides, for example) where you will write about the chosen type of music. Include the type of music, period of time, characteristics, instruments, famous performers and any other interesting detail. Include a link to some representative songs. It is a good idea to ask your parents and grandparents about the type of music they enjoyed when they were young. When it is finished, it may be uploaded to the class blog.(Wix, Blogger, etc.).

Here you can find some links that may help you:  Music in the 60s. Music in the 70s. Music in the 80s. Music in the 90s. Music in the 2000s. Music from 1950 to 2000

B) The teacher will divide the class into groups of four people. Each group will choose two different types of music trends and will try to sing Happy birthday. Remember you have studied different musics in the previous units. Listen to these examples of a Happy Birthday rap and a Happy Birthday Rock. Record the versions and make a video (you can use Audacity if you want to download a program in Linux, or this online page. You can get free instrumental music here: website1, website 2. Then upload the result to you class blog. Remember the tips for recording sound properly.

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