Wind Instruments
LIVE MUSIC 2: Instruments
They use air to cause vibrations and produce sound. There are three types of wind instruments: woodwind, brass and a third type with other instruments.
Woodwind instruments
In ancient times, they included instruments made of wood but today some other materials can be found. Many of them consist of cylinders with holes closed with metal caps called keys. Players have to blow air through a mouthpiece to close or open the keys and produce different sounds. Some others have got a small element in the mouthpiece which vibrates, it is called reed. Some examples of instruments are: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, recorder, saxophone, etc.
Oboe. Wikimedia Commons. (CC0) . |
Oboe sound |
2204574. Clarinet. Pixabay. (Pixabay Licence) |
Clarinet sound |
Giosue E. Bassoon Wikimedia Commons. (CC0) |
Bassoon sound |
Brass instruments
These instruments start producing sound with the vibrations of the player's lip on an element in the mouthpiece called cap or funnel. Then the sound is modulated by valves, slides, keys or crooks. Some of the instruments in this group are: trumpets, horns, tubas and trombones.
CupcakePerson13. French horn. Wikimedia Commons. (CC0) |
French horn sound |
Other instruments
In this group there are instruments which don't follow the previous patterns: organ, accordion or harmonica.
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