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LIVE MUSIC 1: Self-reflection


Let's keep on thinking about what skills and knowledge you have developed all through the unit and those items that need more refining. Have you achieved the expected goals or do you need more time or effort to understand all the content and activities? Have you used what you learnt in the previous unit? Was it useful to understand present content? Read the questions in the slide and answer them in your Progress Diary also check if you have done what was planned after unit one . Afterwards, compare your answers with those of other students to get peer assesment. 

                       Reflection on content


                          Reflection on language



                         Reflection on practice





                          Reflection on attitude

Difficulties, easiness and changes

It is time to read your reflection on unit number 1 and check if you have achieved your goals, if there is something you haven't done yet to improve your learning process or solve the doubts about content. It is also time to reflect on this second unit and write down the actions to be taken in order to learn properly or to solve the problems you have faced.

                          Reflection on difficulties, changes, enjoyment

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