
Tiritomba - Italy

Lorena Varela. Tiritomba. Music Arrangement. (CC BY-NC-SA)

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Little do we know about the song Tiritomba. It is believed to have been created in the early 1800s somewhere in Northern Italy or middle Europe though some others consider it has got a Neapolitan origin. In 1930, a German tenor called Joseph Schmidt recorded a version and in 1956, Margot Eschen, a German singer, had a number one hit with the song. So it is not weird that it is widely known in Germany and other countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands.

The lyrics in Italian tell the story of a man who heads for the coast to find a girlfriend. When he does, he unfortunately discovers that her father is not happy with the situation and he has to run away while avoiding her father’s blows. The title is probably onomatopoeic, resembling the sound of drums.

Here you have got the sound file: