Music theory practice

Describing intervals


Write the correct word in each gap. Choose one of the words of each pair:  a. Ascending/Descending   b. Melodic/Harmonic  c. Conjunct/Disjunct   d. Simple/Compound.

Number of questions: 23

Hits: 0

Errors: 0

Score: 0

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Cool! The clue is:

interval 1  1a.  1b.   1c.                           1d.  

 interval2  2a.  2b.   2c.                           2d.

interval 3  3a.  3b.   3c.                           3d.

Interval 4  4a.  4b.   4c.                           4d.

interval 5  5b.    5c.  5d.

interval 6  6b.   6c.  6d.

Choose and write the word that best represents the next image: ascending, compound, unison, simple, disjunct.

interval 7  7. 


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8a notation


gif triangleLook at the scores and follow the instructions. Remember what you studied about 8a notation in the theory video.


1Exercise 1

Which of the two options below corresponds to this score? Match each option to "Correct 1" or "Incorrect 1".

Option 1
Option 2

Exercise 2

Which of the two options below corresponds to this second score? Match each option to "Correct 2" or "Incorrect 2".

Option 1
Option 2

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