Reading, memorizing, singing 2

Reading, memorizing, singing

Here there is another song to sing. Examine the score carefully, pay attention to time signature, agogics, dynamics and other symbols in the score. Then sing the notes with the right pitch. 

Exercise 1: Tideo

banjo gifRemember to pay attertion to semiquavers. Also notice the banjo in the score and another interesting thing: pentatonic scale. That link will give you some basic information about that scale.

Tideo tune

Exercise 2: Tideo silent parts

gif accordionNow you have the same melody but with some silent bars. Sing the notes aloud again using the sound file. Try to keep the beat during the silent bars and start with the music in time.

Tideo melody

Here you have the sound file ocrresponding to the score with silent bars. Rehearse till you are precise with time and notes sound in tune.

Question 1

giff electric guitarAnd now let's see if you have paid attention. Taking into account all we have studied in this unit, say if the sentences are true or false. Discuss your answers with the rest of the group.

Question 1: crotchet equals to 90Does the number 90 in the image means that there are 90 crotchets in the score?

Question 2

Question 2: There are thirteen slurs in the score.

Question 3

Question 3: The organization of this song is A-A'.

Question 4

Question 4: Intervals to identify1. Third  2. Fourth  3. Third  4. Second  5. Second. These intervals correspond to the image.

Question 5

Question 5: There is an arpeggio symbol in the score.