Notes and rests

Notes and rests

gif accordeonHere there are six four four time signature exercises. They include the notes already studied (crotchets, minims, semibreves and their  corresponding rests, dotted crotchets, dotted minims and slurred notes) and a new one: a semiquaver. 

There are three G-clef exercises and three F-clef exercises. Number one and four have got the metronome sound to help you. First study the score and practise hand movements to represent two four and four four time signature. It doesn't matter if you start slowly, the idea is that speed is increased with practice.

 Exercise 1
keeping the beat exercise 1
Exercise 2 
keeping the beat exercise 2
Exercise 3 
keeping the beat exercise 3
Exercise 4 
keeping the beat exercise 4
Exercise 5 
keeping the beat exercise 5
Exercise 6 
keeping the beat exercise 6