Reading, memorizing, singing


giff microphoneThese exercises will be easy as you have already worked with this melody. Follow the instructions and enjoy the class.

Part 1: Score

This exercise is a combination of individual work and group work.

1. You have to rehearse the glockenspiel score by singing the notes.

2. Use the sound file to sing the triangle melody on time.

3. Now use a glockenspiel to play the glockenspiel score notes while you sing them.

4. Use the sound file to play the triangle on time.

5. Once you can do everything properly, half students will play the glockenspiel while the others play the triangle. After that, change your instruments and play the melody again.

Do  RE MI score piano, glockenspiel, triangle

Here you have got the corresponding sound file to help you work with the song.

Part 2: Score with silent bars

1- Now you have got the score with some silent bars. Start singing the notes and remain silent when the bars with no notes appear. Try to start in time to follow the melody. 

2- Half the class uses glockenspiels to play the melody while the other half sings the lyrics. Be careful with silent bars as you have to keep on singing even if there is no music! When you finish, change turns.

DO RE MI silent bars

Here you have the sound file to help you.