Language training exercises 2

Playing with words



Find the hidden words.

Number of questions: 5

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  • 1.-
    An accidental to indicate the note has to be lowered a semitone.
  • 2.-
    An accidental to indicate the note has to be risen a semitone.
  • 3.-
    An accidental to indicate the previous sharp or flat accidentals have to be cancelled.
  • 4.-
    The distance of a note from the root note.
  • 5.-
    The second most important note in a scale.
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Discussing music theory


critical thinking image In pairs read the sentences and decide if they are true or false. Don't forget to speak English as far as possible. You can watch the theory video again if you have any doubts.

Question 1

   The four four time signature stress combination is the following: strong - weak - weak - weak.

Question 2

2.     Accidentals may be placed above the notes if necessary.

Question 3

3.     is the third note also flat  Is the third note in this stave also a flat note ?

Question 4

4.     The tonic note gives name to a scale and it is the third note in that scale. 

Question 5

5.     If a scale is  C, D, E, F, G, A, B, it is descending.