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6. On Air!

The Power of Advertising

Gum advert
Wokandapix . Gum (Public Domain)


All the mass media are full of advertisements, often shortened to adverts or ads. They are announcements to

promote a product, event, etc. with the aim of getting the public's attention and interest and increase its sales.

Advertising is for everybody, including children. Think, for example, of all the ads you are offered everywhere for

toys before Christmas. Adverts are usually accompanied by slogans, that is, short catchy phrases about something

which are easy to remember.

In the last activity of this last module we will create our audio advert, about a product of your choice. We  can  do

it individually or along with a partner, it is up to you. You will record the ad as a podcast and then we will listen to

all the ads produced b the class, choosing the most original one. Be creative!  ♪ ♫



- Make previous notes on your ad: Who's it for? What are three things about the product? What is its name?

- Think of a slogan to say at the end.

- Create a radio ad that is at least 30 seconds long


Look at this example for the chewing gum add shown above:

Something sweet and fresh to take to our mouth and easy to find? Wrigley's has the perfect solution for you all: long-lasting flavour, kept clean until

you get it and without sugar so no risk for your teeth. What are you waiting for? Wrigley's: The flavor lasts.

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