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VOCABULARY: Illnesses and symptoms


Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA

Exercise 1. Minor illnesses

Below you have 12 minor illnesses. Match each illness with na expressions from the box.

I have...

a backache - an earache - a headache - a stomachache - a toothache - a cold

a cough - a temperature - the flu - a sore throat - food poisoning - an allergy


Vocabulary: Minor illnesses. Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA


  1. He has
  2. He has
  3. She has
  4. He has
  5. She has
  6. She has
  7. He has
  8. He has
  9. He has
  10. He has
  11. He has
  12. She has

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The difference between ache, hurt and pain

Watch the video below to learn the difference between three words: ache, hurt and pain. In pairs, ask and answer the questions below.

Confusing English Words: Difference between Ache, Pain, and Hurt. Vídeo de Espresso English en YouTube. Licenza CC BY-SA  


  1. Which of the three is associated with a specific part of the body?
  2. Ache or pain? Which of the two words expresses more intense pain?
  3. Which of the three words is a verb?
  4. Which of the three words can express emotional pain?

Exercise 2. Ache, hurt or pain

Watch the video again and complete the gaps with ache, hurt or pain.

  1. A headache and a stomach are examples of discomfort.
  2. If you break a bone you will feel a sudden .
  3. I have a in my ankle.
  4. My shoulders .
  5. You are going to yourself.
  6. Heart means deep sadness.
  7. I was can also mean “I was sad”.

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Bonus Task

Do you need to review vocabulary about the body? Click the links below:

You will be taken to Learning Chocolate, a very useful website to learn vocabulary as it includes wordsorganised into categories and plenty of exercises to revise their spelling and pronunciation.


Watch the following tutorial to learn how to use the site:

How to use Learning Chocolate to Improve Your English. Vídeo de Curso Tic Oral Skills en YouTube. Licencia CC BY