GRAMMAR: The present continuous be+verb+-ing
Consider these sentences from the listening comprehension task.
I am watching a film Tom is doing his homework Rachel and Jim are playing videogames Laura is wearing blue clothes |
All these sentences use the present continuous tense: be + main verb + -ing.
Use this tense to:
- Describe a photo and what a person is wearing
- Refer to actions or events that are happening now, at this moment.
Study the chart
The present continuous
To be able to use the present continuous you need to remember the spelling rules for the –ing form.Complete the last column with statements A-E.
- Verbs ending in –e, drop the –e and add –ing.
- Most verbs simply add -ing to end of the verb.
- Verbs ending in –y simply add –ing.
- Verbs ending with 1 vowel and 1 consonant, double the consonant and add –ing.
- 2 syllable verbs, if the first syllable is stressed, just add -ing.
Exercise 1
Complete the gaps with the –ing form of each verb:
Exercise 2
Write sentences with the present continuous as in example 0. (+) stands for affirmative sentence, (-) for negative and (?) for question.
0. It / rain (-): It isn’t raining
- John / wear a shirt today (+)
- They / make a big mistake (+)
- It’s warm. Why / you/ wear a coat (?)
- I / think of you at the moment (+)
- Hey! You / stand on my foot (+)
- Jane / sit next to Frank today (-)
- She / wear make up (-)
- What film / you / watch (?)
Exercise 3
Choose the correct form of the verb.
Bonus Task 1
Click the links below to do practice the form and use of the present continuous:
To review the form and use of the present simple, go to Unit 3.1.
Bonus Task 2
Practise the present continuous watching scenes from several TV shows.
Practice the Present Continuous with scenes from TV shows. Vídeo de learnwithvideos en YouTube. Licenza YouTube estándar