Brainstorming: This Is My House!
With your partner, look at this image.

How many parts of the house can you remember? How many can your partner remember?
You've got 3 minutes!
Here you have some extra help about parts of the house!
Match the letters from the 1st column with the letters from the 2nd column to form a part of the house.
Example: (1.) Bed (d) room -----> bedroom
1. Bed | a) chen |
2. Bath | b) or |
3. Kit | c) den |
4. Living | d) room |
5. Dining | e) ge |
6. Gara | f) room |
7. Gar | g) dow |
8. Chim | h) room |
9. Win | i) ney |
10. Do | j) room |