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Brainstorming: Typical English Houses

Three figures with a puzzle piece.

Observe these images. These are typical English houses. Click on the image to discover their names!

In groups, answer these questions:

  • What type of English house is the most popular? 
  • Are Spanish and Galician houses similar to English houses?




Observe these images. These are typical English houses. Click on the image to discover their names!


In groups, answer these questions:

  • What type of English house is the most popular? 
  • \n
  • Are Spanish and Galician houses similar to English houses?
  • \n

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Image by Manchesterphotos. Edith Avenue in Moss Side, Manchester. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

Image by No Swam So Fine6 Heathgate, Hampstead Garden Suburb. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

Image by No Swam So Fine37 and 38 Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, March 2020. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

Image by No Swam So FineTompion's Cottage, 2 Caldecote Road, Ickwell, February 2024. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

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Typical English Houses

Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

In pairs, complete the sentences about typical English houses.

1. A house is separate from other houses. It's got a garden.

2. A house is side by side with another house. It's got a big roof for the two houses. It's the most popular type of house in England. 

3. A house is between two other houses. It's part of a row of houses. 

4. A is a small old house in a rural area. It's got a roof made of thatch. 

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New Email with an Audio File!

Colourful email

From: paula&
Subject: I Love English Cottages!


How are you? I live in a semi-detached house, but my grandparents live in a typical English cottage. I love my grandparents' cottage!

The cottage is small, but the garden is very big. It's got white walls and a big roof. Also, it's got a chimney. There are many small windows. 

There's a small hall. There are many cupboards in the kitchen. In the bathroom, there's a bath under the window. In the living room, there's a TV in front of the sofa. Also, there's an armchair between the sofa and the bookshelf. 

There are two bedrooms. In my grandparents' bedroom, there's a big bed between two tables. Also, there's a chair behind the door. In the other bedroom, there's a small table between two beds. Also, there are many pictures on the wall. 

What about you? Has Galicia got typical houses? Can you describe a typical Galician house?



Typical English Cottage

Image by No Swan So Fine. Well Cottage, Bedford Road, Northill, Bedfordshire. In Wikipedia. CC BY-SA

Comprehension: True-False Questions

A figure with a puzzle piece.     Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

Read the email and listen to the audio file.

In pairs, answer the following questions selecting TRUE / FALSE.

Question 1

1. Paula lives in a typical English cottage. 

Question 2

2. The cottage has got a big roof and a chimney.

Question 3

3. In the cottage, there are many big windows.

Question 4

4. There's a window in the bathroom.

Question 5

5. In the dining room, there's a TV in front of the sofa.

Question 6

6. There are two tables in the grandparents' bedroom.

Question 7

7. There's a bed between two small tables in the other bedroom.

Let's Explore!: Typical Galician Houses

Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, answer Paula's questions:

  • Has Galicia got typical houses? 
  • Can you describe a typical Galician house?

Find information about typical Galician houses. Then, describe a typical Galician house to your classmates. 

SUGGESTIONS! You can visit this website: 

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