What Does It Mean?

Let's Investigate!: Parts of the House and Furniture


A figure with a puzzle piece.

Observe these sentences from Peter's email:

  • In the bathroom, there's a white bath and a grey washbasin.
  • In the living room, there's a green sofa in front of the TV.
  • In the dining room, there's a big table with chairs.
  • In my bedroom, there's a small bed.

Colourful email

Thinking Time!: This Is My House!


Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

With your partner, do this activity.

1. Observe the house.

2. Drag and drop the name of the furniture and the name of the room (left side of the correct room).

3. Click on Check button

Let's Remember!: Memory Cards


Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, look at each card and name the piece of furniture or part of the house.

EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Name the room where the piece of furniture is (for example: The bed is in the bedroom) or name pieces of furniture that are in that part of the house (for example: In the garage, there's a car).

Nümero de cartas: 6




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No disponible
Wardrobe (bedroom)
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Let's Practise!: Furniture and Parts of a House


Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

With your partner, play this game:

1. Read the question and select the correct answer (only one answer is correct!)

2. Click on  Green tick  to check that the answer is correct!



Número de preguntas: 6

Acertos: 0

Erros: 0

Points: 0

Vida: Vida: Vida: Vida: Vida:
Tempo por pregunta:


Pantalla Completa:
Xenial! A pista é::
Pregunta sen imaxes

Click here to play!:
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Let's Play!: Furniture and Parts of a House



A figure with a puzzle piece.

You have two options to do this word search:

1. Listen to the word Exelearning audio icon and find the piece of furniture (F) or part of a house (H) (easy version).

2. Read the definition and find the piece of furniture (F) or part of a house (H) (challenging version).

Número de preguntas: 8

Acertos: 0

Puntuación: 0

Tempo límite (mm:ss): Minimizar:
Pantalla Completa:
Xenial! A pista é:
Game started
  • 1.-
    The bed is in the ... (H)
  • 2.-
    The bath is in the ... (H)
  • 3.-
    The sofa is in the ... (H)
  • 4.-
    The car is in the ... (H)
  • 5.-
    The ... is a sofa for one person. (F)
  • 6.-
    You keep your clothes (T-shirts, jeans, jumpers...) in a ... (F)
  • 7.-
    You sleep in a ... (F)
  • 8.-
    You see your reflection in a ... (F)
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Extension Activity: This Is My Bedroom!


A figure with a puzzle piece.     Three figures with a puzzle piece.

Describe your bedroom to your classmates. You can describe:

  • elements of the house House or flat Building : walls / door / window.
  • furniture: bed / lamp / wardrobe / desk / chair / ...