
Thinking Time!: Parts of an Email


Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

With your partner, put the parts of the email in order (use the arrows Up and down arrows):

Colourful email

  • Hello! 1 → 0 1 → 2
  • I live in a flat. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Also, there's a small kitchen, a living room and a big balcony. 2 → 1 2 → 3
  • Bye! 3 → 2 3 → 4
  • How are you? Thank you for your last email! 4 → 3 4 → 5
  • My bedroom is small. My bed is between two tables. My books are on the shelf. There's a chest of drawers behind the door. My laptop is on the desk. 5 → 4 5 → 6



Sorry... The right answer is:

Let's Write!: An Email to Peter


A figure with a puzzle piece.

Read again Peter's email (go to You've Got an Email!). Then, write an email to Peter. Follow these steps:

1. Write a draft a click on checkLumi check button.

2. Read the comments and correct the draft.

3. Write the final email in the Aula Virtual (follow your teacher's intructions!).

Project Time!: Let's Make a Video!


Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, make a video for Peter.

Each member of the group has to:

  • Describe his / her house or flat (for example: It's got white walls / There's a big kitchen.)
  • Describe his / her bedroom (for example: There's a poster on the wall.)

Show the video to your classmates!

Colourful camera and clapperboard