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VOCABULARY: Adjectives to describe books

Exercise 1. Adjectives to describe books

Below you have a box with 9 adjectives to describe books. Match each adjective to images 1-9.

surprising - hilarious - depressing - boring - exciting

thought-provoking - fascinating - terrifying - difficult

Describe books

Adjectives to describe books. Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA


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Common or extreme adjectives?

Are the adjectives below common or extreme?


To review common and extreme adjectives, go to Unit 2, section 2.3 and Unit 5, sections 5.2 and 5.3.

Exercise 2. Adjectives to describe books

Complete the chart with the common or extreme equivalent of each adjective. Go to Wordreference to look up new words.





  • Adjective 1 - 
  • Adjective 2 - 
  • Adjective 3 - 
  • Adjective 4 - 
  • Adjective 5 - 
  • Adjective 6 - 

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Exercise 3. -ed and -ing adjectives to describe books

Read the text below and complete the gaps with the -ed or the -ing form. If you need to review -ed and -ing adjectives, go to Unit 5.3.

I think this book is fascinat . It is so excit  that I can’t put it down. When I looked at the cover I thought I would be bor  because the picture was not appeal  but I was wrong. I was completely surpris  when I started reading and now I stay up late trying to finish it. besides, it is very thought-provok , it raises many interest  questions that make you think. In the morning I was exhaust  but now I can’t wait until I get home to continue reading it. I am totally absorb  in it. My parents are glad because I don’t usually read so much.

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