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GRAMMAR: Making recommendations

 Consider this sentences from Ana's video. They are all ways of expressing recommendation:

The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories is a must-read!

I highly recommend reading the Creature's final monologue

Hamlet is a book that everybody has to read

You should read Ithaca because it's a poem about life as a journey

Study the chart:

Recommendations Negative recommendations

Something is a must-read

The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories is a must-read!

Something is not a must-read

This book isn't a must-read!

I (highly) recommend +ing

I highly recommend reading Frankenstein

I don't recommend +ing

I don't recommend reading so fast

Subject+have/has to+ infinitive

Hamlet is a book that everybody has to read

Subject + should + infinitive

You should read Ithaca because it's a poem about life as a journey

Subject + should + not + infinitive

You shouldn't read that book; it's too difficult

Exercise 1

Choose the correct option.

  1. She didn't recommend that book because it's boring.
  2. You should these stories, they are so exciting!
  3. This poem is great! We all have to it!
  4. Do you agree that Harry Potter books are a must ?
  5. If you want to have fun, you should Mark Twain's stories

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Exercise 2

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


  1. I recommend (visit) a doctor. You leg is very swollen.
  2. My dad said that The Godfather is a must (watch)
  3. I don't recommend (watch) that film, it's absolutely terrifying.
  4. If you like romance books you have to (read) The Notebook.
  5. You should (buy) this novel, it's really thought-provoking.
  6. Would you recommend  (read) these stories?

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