READING: The shortest stories ever
Paper laptop business. Imaxe de rawpixel en Pixabay. Licenza CC 0
In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. Tell the class.In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. Tell the class.
- What is the shortest story you have ever read?
- What was its approximate length?
- Can you imagine a story in fifty words?
50 words
Below you have a story told in exactly 50 words. Go to Wordreference to look up the words you don't know. Try to guess the missing word. Tell your partner and then tell the class.
Ana Losada e José Luis Murado. CC BY-SA
The story above is an example of a mini saga. A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words (plus a title of up to 15 words), which appeals readers through the use of irony and unexpected turns. They are also known as micro stories and ultra-shorts.
The idea was originally made up by writer Brian Aldiss (Norfolk, UK 1925-2017).
Mini sagas
Read 7 mini sagas written by students from the school of languages of Santiago de Compostela. Complete the gaps with one of the words from the box.
order (verb) - mother - dog - cherry - snoring - herself - son |