Useful language: Personal Questions
Watch the video about personal questions. Try to answer the questions!
Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education
Watch the video about personal questions. Try to answer the questions!
Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education
Listen to the audio. In pairs, choose the correct question for each answer.
Observe these sentences from Peter's email:
With your partner, play this game:
1. Read the question and select the correct answer (only one answer is correct!)
2. Click on to check that the answer is correct!
Número de preguntas: 4
Acertos: 0
Erros: 0
Points: 0
Observe the table about formation of nationalities. Remember that nationalities start with a CAPITAL LETTER!
Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education.
In groups of 3-4 students, look at each card and name the country and nationality.
EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Name the language of the country!
Nümero de cartas: 6
Pictograms by Sergio Palao. In ARASAAC. CC BY-NC-SA
You have two options to do this word search:
1. Listen to the word and find the country or nationality (easy version).
2. Read the definition and find the country or nationality (challenging version).
Introduce yourself to your classmates. Include information about your:
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