What Does It Mean?

Let's Practise!: Personal Questions


A figure with a puzzle piece.     Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

Listen to the audio. In pairs, choose the correct question for each answer. 

African American kid smiling
Image by Alysa Dyson. Kid, Child, African American, Happy. In Pixabay. CC BY


1. My name is Tom.

2. I'm ten years old.

3.  My birthday is in July.

4.   I'm from the United States.

5. My favourite animal is the dog.

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Let's Investigate!: Nationalities


A figure with a puzzle piece.

Observe these sentences from Peter's email:

  • I'm from the United Kingdom. I'm British.
  • My mum is British.
  • My dad is from Ireland. He's Irish.

Colourful email

Thinking Time!: Nationalities


Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

With your partner, play this game:

1. Read the question and select the correct answer (only one answer is correct!)

2. Click on  Green tick  to check that the answer is correct!



Número de preguntas: 4

Acertos: 0

Erros: 0

Points: 0

Vida: Vida: Vida: Vida: Vida:
Tempo por pregunta:


Pantalla Completa:
Xenial! A pista é::
Pregunta sen imaxes

Click here to play!:
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Vocabulary: Nationalities Formation


A figure with a puzzle piece.

Observe the table about formation of nationalities. Remember that nationalities start with a CAPITAL LETTER!

Table to explain the formation of nationalities

Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education.

Let's Remember!: Memory Cards


Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, look at each card and name the country and nationality

EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Name the language of the country!


Nümero de cartas: 6




No disponible
1.Country 2.Nationality 3.Language
No disponible
1.United States (USA) 2.American 3.English
« Anterior Nümero de cartas:1 Seguinte »

Pictograms by Sergio Palao. In ARASAACCC BY-NC-SA

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Let's Play!: Countries and Nationalities



A figure with a puzzle piece.

You have two options to do this word search:

1. Listen to the word Exelearning audio icon and find the country or nationality (easy version).

2. Read the definition and find the country or nationality (challenging version).

Número de preguntas: 7

Acertos: 0

Puntuación: 0

Tempo límite (mm:ss): Minimizar:
Pantalla Completa:
Xenial! A pista é:
Game started
  • 1.-
    I'm from Spain. I'm...
  • 2.-
    I'm from the United States (USA). I'm...
  • 3.-
    I'm Irish. I'm from...
  • 4.-
    I'm from France. I'm...
  • 5.-
    I'm Canadian. I'm from...
  • 6.-
    I'm from Portugal. I'm...
  • 7.-
    I'm from the United Kingdom (UK). I'm...
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Extension Activity: This Is Me!


A figure with a puzzle piece.     Three figures with a puzzle piece.

Introduce yourself to your classmates. Include information about your:

  • name
  • age
  • country
  • nationality
  • ...