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5. Mastering finances and AN codes


Before concluding this module, we will carry out some ORAL CONTESTS where everyone can take part in, consolidate

 what has been learnt and have fun: all three in one!

The first of these contests is based on the popular game ‘Password’ that you probably know from TV. The fastest

person in saying the correct word starting by a specific letter, after having read/listened to its definition or clue, gets

one point. 


Let it be clear that all the words are inside this module and related to this topic and that some alphabet letters have

been withdrawn, not existing key words here starting by them.


We will do this orally and different volunteers will take turns in writing the word said aloud by the contestant.

TIP: To do your best, have a quick review of this module and focus on those important words.


Before concluding this module, we will carry out some ORAL CONTESTS where everyone can take part in, consolidate


 what has been learnt and have fun: all three in one!


The first of these contests is based on the popular game ‘Password’ that you probably know from TV. The fastest


person in saying the correct word starting by a specific letter, after having read/listened to its definition or clue, gets


one point. 




Let it be clear that all the words are inside this module and related to this topic and that some alphabet letters have


been withdrawn, not existing key words here starting by them.




We will do this orally and different volunteers will take turns in writing the word said aloud by the contestant.


TIP: To do your best, have a quick review of this module and focus on those important words.

","timeShowSolution":9,"durationGame":3600,"numberTurns":1,"showSolution":true,"showMinimize":false,"itinerary":{"showClue":false,"clueGame":"","percentageClue":40,"showCodeAccess":false,"codeAccess":"","messageCodeAccess":""},"wordsGame":[{"letter":"A","word":"AMOUNT","definition":"(N.) A quantity of something, especially the total of a thing or things in number.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"B","word":"BANKNOTE","definition":"(N.) A piece of paper money.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"C","word":"CURRENCY","definition":"(N.) System of money in general use in a particular country.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"D","word":"DIVIDE","definition":"(V.) Mathematical operation which means 'separate into parts'.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"E","word":"EXCHANGE RATE","definition":"(N.) The value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another ( 2 words).","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"F","word":"FIVER","definition":"(N.) Informal way of calling a five-pound banknote.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"G","word":"GBP","definition":"(N.) Acronym for 'Great Britain Pound'.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"H","word":"HAGGLE OVER","definition":"(V.) Bargain or negotiating over a price.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"I","word":"IST","definition":"(N.) Acronym for 'Irish Standard Time' or 'Irish Summer Time'","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"J","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"K","word":"K","definition":"(N.) Abbreviated form for Kilo, representing also 1.000 pounds.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"L","word":"LEGAL TENDER","definition":"(N.) It is said about coins or banknotes that must be accepted if offered in payment.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"M","word":"MULTIPLY","definition":"(V.) Mathematical operation which finds the product of two or more numbers.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"N","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"O","word":"OWE","definition":"(V.) To have an obligation to pay in return for something received.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"P","word":"POUND","definition":"(N.) Currency unit of the United Kingdom (reduced to one word).","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"Q","word":"QUID","definition":"(N.) Informal way of calling the British Pound Sterling.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"R","word":"RATE","definition":"(N.) In an exchange of money, it is the value of a country's money in relation to another country's money","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"S","word":"STERLING","definition":"(N.) Relating to British money.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"T","word":"TENNER","definition":"(N.) Informal way of calling a ten-pound banknote.","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"U","word":"UTC","definition":"(N.) Coordinated Universal Time","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"V","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"W","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"X","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"Y","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"letter":"Z","word":"","definition":"","type":0,"alt":"","author":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0}],"isScorm":0,"textButtonScorm":"Save score","repeatActivity":false,"letters":"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","msgs":{"msgReady":"Ready?","msgStartGame":"Click here to start","msgHappen":"Move on","msgReply":"Reply","msgSubmit":"Submit","msgEnterCode":"Enter the access code","msgErrorCode":"The access code is not correct","msgGameOver":"Game Over!","msgNewWord":"New word","msgStartWith":"Starts with %1","msgContaint":"Contains letter %1","msgPass":"Move on to the next word","msgIndicateWord":"Provide a word","msgClue":"Cool! The clue is:","msgNewGame":"Click here for a new game","msgYouHas":"You have got %1 hits and %2 misses","msgCodeAccess":"Access code","msgPlayAgain":"Play Again","msgRequiredAccessKey":"Access code required","msgInformationLooking":"The information you were looking for","msgPlayStart":"Click here to play","msgErrors":"Errors","msgMinimize":"Minimize","msgMaximize":"Maximize","msgHits":"Hits","msgTime":"Time","msgOneRound":"One round","msgTowRounds":"Two rounds","msgImage":"Image","msgNoImage":"No image","msgWrote":"Write the correct word and click on Reply. If you hesitate, click on Move on.","msgNotNetwork":"You can only play this game with internet connection.","msgSuccesses":"Right! | Excellent! | Great! | Very good! | Perfect!","msgFailures":"It was not that! | Incorrect! | Not correct! | Sorry! | Error!","msgEndGameScore":"Please start the game before saving your score.","msgScoreScorm":"The score can't be saved because this page is not part of a SCORM package.","msgShowRoulette":"Show word wheel","msgHideRoulette":"Hide word wheel","msgQuestion":"Question","msgAnswer":"Answer","msgOnlySaveScore":"You can only save the score once!","msgOnlySave":"You can only save once","msgInformation":"Information","msgYouScore":"Your score","msgOnlySaveAuto":"Your score will be saved after each question. You can only play once.","msgSaveAuto":"Your score will be automatically saved after each question.","msgAuthor":"Author","msgSeveralScore":"You can save the score as many times as you want","msgYouLastScore":"The last score saved is","msgActityComply":"You have already done this activity.","msgPlaySeveralTimes":"You can do this activity as many times as you want"}}

AN Codes: Spelling time!

Spelling Bee
U.S. Embassy Ghana. 2020 Ghana Spelling Bee Grand Finale 1 (Public Domain)

Does AN make sense to you? It stands for 'Alphanumeric' and it refers to those expressions made of both letters and

numbers. You find AN codes in passwords, as they are harder to decipher for hackers. You find them in car plates too,

and this is what we are going to focus on right now, more concretely, in British car plates.

With this task we will understand how UK plates are formed and we will practice spelling, concluding with a Spelling

Bee Contest, the fastest speller being the winner.


Let's see how a British car plate is displayed:

Cnbrb. British_car_registration_plate_labels-GB-EU (Public Domain)

Now, try to spell this plate with a partner. Review the alphabet in the website below in case of hesitation on the

pronunciation of some letters: English alphabet


After that, you must guess where the car plate area code BD belongs to. You will find some help here:


Next,  practice with your partner these other car plates and discover the area code of each of them:

Car plates

Finally, create with our partner possible British car plates using valid area codes and inventing both the age

identifyer and the random letters. Practice and get ready for the contest. Remember that you need to spell as

fast as possible to be a good speller!

You can also locate those areas on a map. Go back to CLIL - Geography - UK module for refreshing how to achieve this!!!

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