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4. Banks in the UK

Not a Single Note!

Pound symbol
TheDigitalArtist. Money (Public Domain)

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An interesting fact about the sterling pounds in the UK is that they are not only issued by one bank, The Bank of

England, as you might expect by observing most of the banknotes.


Instead, four banks in Northern Ireland and three banks in Scotland are also authorised to issue their own notes,

which are somehow different from those produced by The Bank of England. This is something dealing only with

banknotes since regarding coins, they are all manufactured and issued by the Royal Mint, a government-owned mint

which makes and distributes coins within the United Kingdom.


There are, therefore, three British finantial institutions issuing banknotes: The Bank of England, The Royal Bank of

Scotland and the Bank of Ireland.


However, you must note that there's a bit of confusion about spending these notes. Do you think that you can use

Scotland and Northern Ireland issued banknotes in England and Wales? Are they legal tender in these latter countries? 

Let's shed some light on this!

Currency [the pound sterling] is the same in the whole UK but it is the Bank of England which issues most of the

banknotes used throughout the entire United Kingdom and its notes also circulate widely in Scotland and Northern

Ireland.  The Bank of England states that only its banknotes are ‘legal tender’ in England and Wales. Consequently, 

Scottish and Northern Irish banknotes will be refused - they say because of possible counterfeiting - whereas English

notes are accepted across the whole UK. How strange! It would seem that we are dealing with a state monopolio.

What are your impressions?


Let's discover how different a banknote from these three diferent banks may be. To that end, have a look at this jigsaw

IN PAIRS and try to compose a £10 banknote from England, Ireland and Scotland. The three of them are mixed in

 the same image. Click on the following link to open it and order their different parts:

Jigsaw banknotes
The.Comedian. 10 Pound Sterling notes from England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Now, place on record your appreciations in the following dropdown activity. Some help is provided for you. Try to agree

with your partner for a specific choice.

  1. The most important bank in the UK is .
  2. banks are allowed to issue in the UK.
  3. The Bank of England issues notes for  especifically but they can also be used in  .
  4. Scotland issued notes accepted outside Scotland.
  5. Irish banknotes are refused outside Ireland because they could be .
  6. The £10 banknote from Scotland was issued by .
  7. The Queen's portrait appears on the  .
  8. You can recognise the Irish banknote in the single word printed on it.

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Money Issuers

"When I grow up I want to be a banker"

British banknotes
Alyssa Newcomb. British banknotes (CC BY-NC-ND)

Whether if you want to become a banker in the future or not, this GROUP TASK will provide you a clear view of the

Pound Sterling. You will create your own collection of coins and notebooks, all those you can come across with in

the UK.

Every item must be named by its side with the pound symbol and its quantity together with an approximate

equivalence of the amount in € (euros) by using the average exchange rate ''1.17 . If needed, go back to section 1

(Money Talks) to refresh your memory on how to calculate that . Don't forget to include informal ways of calling some

banknotes such as fiver, tenner or grand.

You will make a brief and simple explanation of your work.

Coins and banknotes must be found on the web and printed two-faced in colour. Shouldn't you have a printer, hand 

your pictures over to me (copied on a text document and in the correct size) so that I can print them out for you.

You are free to decorate your displayling cardboard as you wish. Presentation matters!


Let's get started! 🚀


Keep in mind that team work includes the equitative distribution of the work and take into account the following

evaluation points in advance:

1. Team work (a questionnaire about your team partners declaring their degree of active participation in the team, respecting others' ideas, helping each other within the team or proposing ideas), 2. Correct  content structure - separating coins from banknotes and within bannotes, those from different countries 3. Exposition of clear and simple ideas, 4. Pronunciation , 5. Fluency,  6. Voice volume, 7. Intonation, 8. Use of grammar and  9. Eye contact with your spectators. 

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