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1. Getting to Know the UK

The UK, Great Britain, England, The British Isles, etc. Are They All the Same?

 Listen and read along

Some of these terms may sound familiar to you but do you think that they all refer to the same territory? The answer

is 'NO' and it is one of the most interesting things that you will learn in this first stop of the journey through the English

speaking countries. Let's have a look at the following map:

Clker-Free-Vector-Images. Europa pais mundo continente (Dominio público)

 Listen and read along

What continent do you think it is? Yeah, it is Europe so, 1 point for you if you guessed this answer in the previous

activity. Now, try to identify the UK. (Tip: Check the picture in the cover page of this module). There we are! And what

is the precise meaning of the letters UK? Well, it is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and

thanks  to this name  you will have guessed that  Great  Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland are included in the UK. Did

you know the full name of the UK? Now look closely at this clarifying picture:

Differences UK, Great Britain and England
Maps of world. Key Diffferences between the United Kingdom, England and Great Britain (CC BY-NC-ND)

 Listen and read along

Very often, people use the names United Kingdom (UK), Great Britain and England as synonyms, referring to the same

place but, as  you can see, they are different. England is just one country within Great Britain and the United Kingdom;

Great  Britain is the biggest  island and three  countries are inside it: England, Scotland and Wales; finally, The United

Kingdom refers to all of them: that  is, both islands  - except the South of Ireland, also called Southern Ireland or the

Republic of IrelandThey are called the British Islands, and islands like Guernsey,  Jersey or  the Isle of Man are also

dependent on the British Crown.


The following diagram explains this in a different way:

British Isles Euler diagram
TWCarlson. British Isles Euler diagram (CC0)

 Listen and read along

Now that you know the difference among these terms, can you tell the name of some cities within the UK?

Keep learning!

Test your comprehension


1. The United Kingdom is made up of several countries :


England, Wales and Scotland.

England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.



2.  The biggest island within the UK is 




Great Britain.

All of the UK.



3. They are British but they do not belong to the UK:


Isle of Man, Gernsey, Jersey and Northern Ireland.

Isle of Man, Gernsey, Jersey and Southern Ireland.

All answers are wrong.


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