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Florence Bascon

Florence Bascon

Florence Bascom (July 14, 1862 – June 18, 1945) was the second woman to earn her Ph.D in geology in the United States, and the first woman to receive a Ph.D from Johns Hopkins University, which occurred in 1893. 

Florence Bascon. Wikipedia (CC0)

She also became the first woman to work for the United States Geological Survey, in 1896. As well as being one of the first women to earn a master's degree in geology, she was known for her innovative findings in this field, and led the next generation of notable female geologists. Geologists consider her to be the "first woman geologist in this country America."

She did not cook or iron but she was ambitious and independent. She loved horses and dogs.

"The fascination of any search after truth lies not in the attainment, which at best is found to be very relative, but in the pursuit, where all the powers of the mind and character are brought into play and are absorbed by the task. One feels oneself in contact with something that is infinite and one finds joy that is beyond expression in sounding the abyss of science and the secrets of the infinite mind." - Florence Bascom.

Florence Bascon. Wikipedia (CC0)

Florence Bascom
 (14 de xullo de 1862 - 18 de xuño de 1945) foi a segunda muller en gañar o seu doutorado en xeoloxía nos Estados Unidos e a primeira muller en recibir un doutorado pola Universidade Johns Hopkins, en 1893. Tamén se converteu na primeira muller que traballou para o Estudo Xeolóxico dos Estados Unidos , en 1896. Ademais de ser unha das primeiras mulleres en obter un máster en xeoloxía , foi coñecida. polos seus descubrimentos innovadores neste campo, e levou á seguinte xeración de notables xeólogos femininos.
 Os xeólogos a consideran como a "primeira muller xeóloga deste país en América ". 

"A fascinación de calquera busca despois da verdade non reside na consecución, que ao mellor se atopa como moi relativa, senón na procura, onde todos os poderes da mente e do personaxe están en xogo e son absorbidos pola tarefa. Un séntese en contacto con algo que é infinito e un gozo que está fóra da expresión ao soar o abismo da ciencia e os segredos da mente infinita ". - Florence Bascon.