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Matching exercise

Matching exercise

The Human Squeleton
The Human Squeleton
BodyParts3D/Anatomography. The Human Squeleton (edited by Carmen García and Manuel Mato) (CC BY-NC-SA)

Here you have 10 recordings with the spelling of the main joints.

  1. Listen to the recording below.
  2. Decide which joint is being spelled.
  3. Write down the letter (A - J) to identify the joint in the small boxes.
A. Toes 01.
B. Jaw 02.
C. Hips 03.
D. Wrists 04.
E. Elbow 05.
F, Fingers 06.
F. Knees 07.
H. Ankle 08.
I. Neck 09.
J. Shoulders 10.

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