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Let's Explore!

Brainstorming: British Schools

Three figures with a puzzle piece.

Observe these images. Do you recognise these elements typical from British schoolsClick on the image to discover their names.

In groups, answer this question:

  • What differences can you see between British schools and Galician schools?





Observe these images. Do you recognise these elements typical from British schoolsClick on the image to discover their names.


In groups, answer this question:

  • What differences can you see between British schools and Galician schools?
  • \n


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Image by FreepikSandwich in Box with Studying Materials. In FreepikCC BY

Image by Lewis ClarkeBournemouth: Moore Avenue & Lollipop Lady. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

Image by Kindermel. St Swithun's School Uniform. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

Image by Alethe. Burnsall School. In WikipediaCC BY-SA

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Nationalities in the UK: Countries and Languages

Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

In pairs, complete the sentences about British schools.


1. Students in the dining room. Children normally eat a : a and fruit. 

2. Children wear their favourite clothes at school. Students wear a

3. A helps children cross the streets to go to school.

4. Many schools in the UK are , not modern!

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New Email with an Audio File!

Colourful email

From: paula&
Subject: This Is My School!


How are you? I go to Liverpool Primary School. My school is small and old. I go to school with my brother at nine o'clock. We wear a blue uniform. 

We study English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE, IT and Spanish. We don't study French. My favourite subject is Spanish!

I eat my packed lunch in the dining room at a quarter to one. I eat a sandwich and fruit. Then, I play with my friends.

I go home at a quarter past three with my friends. We say goodbye to Sally, the lollipop lady. 

What about you? Can you describe the characteristics of your school?



Bridgnorth School

Image by Old Bridgnorthian. Bridgnorth Grammar School. In Wikipedia. CC BY-SA

Comprehension: True-False Questions

A figure with a puzzle piece.     Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

Read the email and listen to the audio file.

In pairs, answer the following questions selecting TRUE / FALSE.

Question 1

1. Paula's school is small and modern.

Question 2

2. Paula and the other students wear a uniform.

Question 3

3. Paula's favourite subject is IT.

Question 4

4. Paula eats her packed lunch at 1:15.

Question 5

5. Paula goes home at 3:15.

Question 6

6. Sally is the lollipop lady.

Let's Explore!: Galician Carnival

Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, answer Paula's question:

  • Can you describe the characteristics of your school?

Think about basic information about your school . Then, present it to your classmates. 

SUGGESTION! You can talk about the school times, subjects, places, description of your school (big, small, old, modern...).


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