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Bodies in movement

Drawing a human body

Say no to stick figures! You can draw better if you use some simple shapes to begin your sketches.

Represent every part of the body!

  • HeadSketch
  • Neck
  • Trunk
  • Arms and hands
  • Legs and feet
  • Don't forget the joints: elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. They make the movement possible!

Add movement!

  • Think about the movement you want to represent and trace a sketch.Movement
  • Make lines gently so you can erase them once and again.
  • Once you have your sketch, finish your drawing with some details.
    1. Round the edges so the person doesn't look square.
    2. Add clothes, accessories...
    3. Erase the guidelines.
    4. Outline and colour.

Group task 2. Keep on moving

50 min
Groups of 4

You are going to create a simple comic with 4 panels according to these criteria:

Following these steps can be useful to plan your work:

  1. Create your script: what do you want to tell and represent in your cartoon?
  2. Design the panels.
  3. Divide up the work: you can divide the panels or the tasks (sketching, drawing, outlining, colouring, writing...).

Don't forget to take a photo of your comic and upload it!