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Lesson plans


1. Title

An introduction to the Scientific Method

2. Authors

Ana María Bueno Lema (DNI: 33270132B)

Marcos Lago Álvarez (DNI: 36120270N)

Blanca Rodríguez Latorre (DNI: 33311772G)

3. Authors' e-mail addresses

3. Justification.

Knowledge of Scientific Method is important, students need to understand how major scientific developments were discovered.

Throughout this unit students will learn the nature of the scientific method and its procedures. They will develop an understanding of how to study natural phenomena in an analytical and reflective manner.

As this unit is common in both Science subjects: Biology and Geology and Physics and Chemistry, coordination is needed to achieve a significant learning and to share timing.

We use Flipped Classroom methodology in order to take a different role with our pupils: more active and realistic, and to take advantage on digital learning facilities. So that, homework and class activities are required.

4. Level to which the proposal is directed.

3º ESO

5. Subjects envolved.

·         Bioloxía e Xeoloxía with a CLIL approach, in English

·         Física e Química with a CLIL approach, in English

6. Timing

5 lessons

This unit is designed to be taught at the very beginning of the first term, as as introduction of both subjects involved.


7. ITC resources

·         eXelearning: An Introduction to the Scientific Method.

·         Webbliography, interactive whiteboard.

8 .Key competentes

·         Linguistic communication (LC)

·         Mathematical competence and key competence in science and technology (MSCST)

·         Digital competence (DC)

·         Learning to learn (LL)

·         Social and civic competence (SCC)

·         Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIE)

·         Cultural awareness and expression (CAE)


9. Objectives


a. Linguistics:

·         To understand basic vocabulary of Science, Scientific Method and Laboratory in English

·         To increase fluency in oral and written use of English

·         To strengthen tenses of the past

·         To improve reading comprehension using specific texts

·         To speak about Science: asking and answering questions

·         To listen to instructions and to specific information on Science, Scientific Method and Lab work.

·         To write a lab report (Scientific report).

b. Non Linguistics

·         To understand the scientific method and the steps it involves.

·         To find, select and interpret scientific information.

·         To be able to work safely in a laboratory.

·         To interpret and present results obtained in a research project.

·         To use technology as a learning tool.

·         To develop a research project, including the interpretation of results.

·         To value the importance of Science research in society development

9. Curriculum

a. Linguistics:

·         Specific vocabulary: Science, scientists, scientific method, question, research, hypothesis, observation, experiment, analysis, conclusion, test, result, admit, reject, theory, law, lab equipment glossary

·         Grammar structures: Past simple, Present perfect, Past simple passive, Present perfect passive. Did you find..?; Look for information…, Can you repeat…? May I…?, Complete this chart with…, Find this concept…; I/We agree…, I/We disagree, In my/our opinion this is right/wrong….; There is/are…; In order to; Instead of…; It could be.., My/our hypothesis states….; The hypothesis must be checked

·         Functions: Link different phenomena with a testable explanation. Discussion and argumentation to synthesize different ideas. Choose appropriated solutions in order to test a hypothesis. Explain and dialogue with partners, get agreements and discuss results.

b. Non Linguistics


·         B.1.1 Scientific method. Steps.

·         B.1.2 Use of new technologies

·         B.1.7 Research, selection, interpretation of scientific information.

·         B.1.6 Lab work and safety rules.

·         B.1.1 Research project.

·         B.1.3 Science in daily life and society


·         B1.1 . Scientific vocabulary in oral and written language.

·         B1.2. Scientific methodology: basic characteristics..

·         B1.3. Experimentation in biology and geology: find, select and interpret scientific information from selection and taking samples from a natural environment or another sources.

·         B1.4. Schedule experimental projects, presentation of results, and interpretation results.

·         B1.5.Laboratory safety standards, and to take good care of laboratory instruments and material

·         B6.1. Scientific method. Making hypothesis, Development of hypotheses and their verification and argumentation, from experimentation or observation

·         B6.3. Project team research. Organization. Participation and respectful cooperation in individual and team work. Submit data, results or observations.


10. Values-based education.

·         Recognise the advances in Science and their contribution to society

·         Be rigorous in designing, experimenting and taking measurements.

·         Value the importance of Scientific method in research

·         Provide the elements to be responsible world citizens.

12. Daily planning.

This unit is designed to be taught at the beginning of first term, as introduction of both subjects involved.

Science and Scientific Method. 1 lesson.

·         Task 1: Introduction: Video and interactive activity. [Home activity]

·         Task 2.1: Video about Science and the Scientific Method with activities [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.2. Read/ Listen to the following definitions of steps in the Scientific Method. [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.3. Can you spell it?. Write the words correctly. [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.4. Fill the gaps. [Home activity]

·         Activity 2.5. How good is your oral comprehension? [Home activity]

Working in the lab 1 lesson.

·         Task 3: Lab equipment and safety

·         Activity 3.1. Lab Equipment. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.2. Lab Equipment. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.3. Reading activity. Safety rules. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.4. True of False game. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3. 5. Brainstorming and poster. [Class activity]

·         Reinforcement tasks: Laboratory equipment, techniques and safety rules

·         Extension tasks: microscope and games

Let's do Science!. 3 lessons.

·         Task 4. Your lab report

·         Activity 4.1. Let's plan your Science project!. [Class activity] [Home activity]

·         PROPOSAL: Why is a can floating

·         RUBRIC : LAB REPORT RUBRIC  odt pdf 


13. Students with special needs

·         For those students with physical needs we can adapt our materials printing them out using a bigger font, and/or we can give them the opportunity to use a PC to see our materials in a bigger size or he/she can use the headphones to adjust the volume.

·         For those with a slow development in their basic skills we can reinforce elemental problems while the rest of the students progress into more advanced problems.

·         For those with a high development in their basic skills we can provide them a set of problems of a higher degree of difficulty.

·         Those without internet access at home, they may go to the computer laboratories, high school library, or even council library.

14. Criteria and assessment rubrics


a. Linguistics. criteria:

·         Write, speak and understand English with moderate correction

·         Apply the new terms properly

·         Use of tenses properly

·         Use of English as a vehicle of communication in class and on the Day Out

·         Acquisition of vocabulary: active and passive

·         Pronunciation

·         Fluency

·         Accuracy on Lab Report and activities in English

b. No Linguistic criteria.


·         FQB1.1.1 Formulate a hypotheses to explain everyday phenomena using scientific models and theories.

·         FQB1.1.2. Submit observations, data and results, organized and rigorous, and communicate both orally and in writing, using diagrams, graphs, tables and mathematical expressions.

·         FQB1.2.1. Related scientific research with technological applications in everyday life.

·         FQB1.4.1. Identify basic laboratory material and instruments and knows how to use them for conducting experiments; respecting safety standards.

·         FQB1.5.1. Select, understand and interpret scientific information, and transmits the conclusions obtained using oral and written language.

·         FQB1.5.2. Identify the main characteristics linked to the reliability and objectivity of information on the Internet and other media.

·         FQB1.6.1. Make small research on a topic studied by applying the scientific method


·         Use accurate scientific vocabulary into a specific and a proper level

·         Find, select and interpret scientific information and use this information to construct an own opinion and express and argue accurately about environmental and healthy problems.

·         Make an experimental project with the help of a instruction sheet, describe its development and interpret its results.

·         B6.1. Plan, apply and integrate scientific skills and abilities

·         B6.2. Develop hypotheses and contrast them through experimentation or observation and argumentation

·         B6.3. Use different sources of information, discriminate and decide about of them and the methods used for having it.

·         B6.4. Participate, recognize and respect team or individual work.

·         B6.5. Submit and defend in public the research project finished.


Lab report: as a final report where the teacher assesses classroom work, performing tasks, level of correction tasks, respect for colleagues, attention degree in class and also attitude and interest, daily…, through rubrics


1. Title

An introduction to the Scientific Method

2. Authors

Ana María Bueno Lema (DNI: 33270132B)

Marcos Lago Álvarez (DNI: 36120270N)

Blanca Rodríguez Latorre (DNI: 33311772G)

3. Authors' e-mail addresses

3. Justification.

Knowledge of Scientific Method is important, students need to understand how major scientific developments were discovered.

Throughout this unit students will learn the nature of the scientific method and its procedures. They will develop an understanding of how to study natural phenomena in an analytical and reflective manner.

As this unit is common in both Science subjects: Biology and Geology and Physics and Chemistry, coordination is needed to achieve a significant learning and to share timing.

We use Flipped Classroom methodology in order to take a different role with our pupils: more active and realistic, and to take advantage on digital learning facilities. So that, homework and class activities are required.

4. Level to which the proposal is directed.

3º ESO

5. Subjects envolved.

·         Bioloxía e Xeoloxía with a CLIL approach, in English

·         Física e Química with a CLIL approach, in English

6. Timing

5 lessons

This unit is designed to be taught at the very beginning of the first term, as as introduction of both subjects involved.


7. ITC resources

·         eXelearning: An Introduction to the Scientific Method.

·         Webbliography, interactive whiteboard.

8 .Key competentes

·         Linguistic communication (LC)

·         Mathematical competence and key competence in science and technology (MSCST)

·         Digital competence (DC)

·         Learning to learn (LL)

·         Social and civic competence (SCC)

·         Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIE)

·         Cultural awareness and expression (CAE)


9. Objectives


a. Linguistics:

·         To understand basic vocabulary of Science, Scientific Method and Laboratory in English

·         To increase fluency in oral and written use of English

·         To strengthen tenses of the past

·         To improve reading comprehension using specific texts

·         To speak about Science: asking and answering questions

·         To listen to instructions and to specific information on Science, Scientific Method and Lab work.

·         To write a lab report (Scientific report).

b. Non Linguistics

·         To understand the scientific method and the steps it involves.

·         To find, select and interpret scientific information.

·         To be able to work safely in a laboratory.

·         To interpret and present results obtained in a research project.

·         To use technology as a learning tool.

·         To develop a research project, including the interpretation of results.

·         To value the importance of Science research in society development

9. Curriculum

a. Linguistics:

·         Specific vocabulary: Science, scientists, scientific method, question, research, hypothesis, observation, experiment, analysis, conclusion, test, result, admit, reject, theory, law, lab equipment glossary

·         Grammar structures: Past simple, Present perfect, Past simple passive, Present perfect passive. Did you find..?; Look for information…, Can you repeat…? May I…?, Complete this chart with…, Find this concept…; I/We agree…, I/We disagree, In my/our opinion this is right/wrong….; There is/are…; In order to; Instead of…; It could be.., My/our hypothesis states….; The hypothesis must be checked

·         Functions: Link different phenomena with a testable explanation. Discussion and argumentation to synthesize different ideas. Choose appropriated solutions in order to test a hypothesis. Explain and dialogue with partners, get agreements and discuss results.

b. Non Linguistics


·         B.1.1 Scientific method. Steps.

·         B.1.2 Use of new technologies

·         B.1.7 Research, selection, interpretation of scientific information.

·         B.1.6 Lab work and safety rules.

·         B.1.1 Research project.

·         B.1.3 Science in daily life and society


·         B1.1 . Scientific vocabulary in oral and written language.

·         B1.2. Scientific methodology: basic characteristics..

·         B1.3. Experimentation in biology and geology: find, select and interpret scientific information from selection and taking samples from a natural environment or another sources.

·         B1.4. Schedule experimental projects, presentation of results, and interpretation results.

·         B1.5.Laboratory safety standards, and to take good care of laboratory instruments and material

·         B6.1. Scientific method. Making hypothesis, Development of hypotheses and their verification and argumentation, from experimentation or observation

·         B6.3. Project team research. Organization. Participation and respectful cooperation in individual and team work. Submit data, results or observations.


10. Values-based education.

·         Recognise the advances in Science and their contribution to society

·         Be rigorous in designing, experimenting and taking measurements.

·         Value the importance of Scientific method in research

·         Provide the elements to be responsible world citizens.

12. Daily planning.

This unit is designed to be taught at the beginning of first term, as introduction of both subjects involved.

Science and Scientific Method. 1 lesson.

·         Task 1: Introduction: Video and interactive activity. [Home activity]

·         Task 2.1: Video about Science and the Scientific Method with activities [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.2. Read/ Listen to the following definitions of steps in the Scientific Method. [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.3. Can you spell it?. Write the words correctly. [Class activity]

·         Activity 2.4. Fill the gaps. [Home activity]

·         Activity 2.5. How good is your oral comprehension? [Home activity]

Working in the lab 1 lesson.

·         Task 3: Lab equipment and safety

·         Activity 3.1. Lab Equipment. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.2. Lab Equipment. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.3. Reading activity. Safety rules. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3.4. True of False game. [Home activity]

·         Activity 3. 5. Brainstorming and poster. [Class activity]

·         Reinforcement tasks: Laboratory equipment, techniques and safety rules

·         Extension tasks: microscope and games

Let's do Science!. 3 lessons.

·         Task 4. Your lab report

·         Activity 4.1. Let's plan your Science project!. [Class activity] [Home activity]

·         PROPOSAL: Why is a can floating

·         RUBRIC : LAB REPORT RUBRIC  odt pdf 


13. Students with special needs

·         For those students with physical needs we can adapt our materials printing them out using a bigger font, and/or we can give them the opportunity to use a PC to see our materials in a bigger size or he/she can use the headphones to adjust the volume.

·         For those with a slow development in their basic skills we can reinforce elemental problems while the rest of the students progress into more advanced problems.

·         For those with a high development in their basic skills we can provide them a set of problems of a higher degree of difficulty.

·         Those without internet access at home, they may go to the computer laboratories, high school library, or even council library.

14. Criteria and assessment rubrics


a. Linguistics. criteria:

·         Write, speak and understand English with moderate correction

·         Apply the new terms properly

·         Use of tenses properly

·         Use of English as a vehicle of communication in class and on the Day Out

·         Acquisition of vocabulary: active and passive

·         Pronunciation

·         Fluency

·         Accuracy on Lab Report and activities in English

b. No Linguistic criteria.


·         FQB1.1.1 Formulate a hypotheses to explain everyday phenomena using scientific models and theories.

·         FQB1.1.2. Submit observations, data and results, organized and rigorous, and communicate both orally and in writing, using diagrams, graphs, tables and mathematical expressions.

·         FQB1.2.1. Related scientific research with technological applications in everyday life.

·         FQB1.4.1. Identify basic laboratory material and instruments and knows how to use them for conducting experiments; respecting safety standards.

·         FQB1.5.1. Select, understand and interpret scientific information, and transmits the conclusions obtained using oral and written language.

·         FQB1.5.2. Identify the main characteristics linked to the reliability and objectivity of information on the Internet and other media.

·         FQB1.6.1. Make small research on a topic studied by applying the scientific method


·         Use accurate scientific vocabulary into a specific and a proper level

·         Find, select and interpret scientific information and use this information to construct an own opinion and express and argue accurately about environmental and healthy problems.

·         Make an experimental project with the help of a instruction sheet, describe its development and interpret its results.

·         B6.1. Plan, apply and integrate scientific skills and abilities

·         B6.2. Develop hypotheses and contrast them through experimentation or observation and argumentation

·         B6.3. Use different sources of information, discriminate and decide about of them and the methods used for having it.

·         B6.4. Participate, recognize and respect team or individual work.

·         B6.5. Submit and defend in public the research project finished.


Lab report: as a final report where the teacher assesses classroom work, performing tasks, level of correction tasks, respect for colleagues, attention degree in class and also attitude and interest, daily…, through rubrics