Let's Investigate!: Where Do You Live?
Observe these sentences from Peter's email:
- My town is near Liverpool.
- I live in a house next to the park.
- My house is far from the school.
Observe these sentences from Peter's email:
Watch the video titled Where Do You Live? Pay attention to the new vocabulary!
Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education.
With your partner, read the text and drag the correct option.
I live in a @@town@@. My @@town@@ is small. My @@flat@@ is @@next@@ to the café. Also, it's @@near@@ restaurants and shops, but it's @@far@@ from my school.
Watch the video about places in town. Pay attention to the new vocabulary!
Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education.
In groups of 3-4 students, look at each card and name the place in town using sentences. For example: There's a café.
EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Say if there is, or there isn't, that place in your town, city or village. For example: There's a zoo in my city / There isn't a shopping centre in my village.
In groups of 3-4 students, look at each card and name the place in town using sentences. For example: There's a café.
\nEXTENSION ACTIVITY: Say if there is, or there isn't, that place in your town, city or village. For example: There's a zoo in my city / There isn't a shopping centre in my village.
\nPictograms by Sergio Palao. In ARASAAC. CC BY-NC-SA
With your partner, play this game:
1. Read the question and select the correct answer (only one answer is correct!)
2. Click on to check that the answer is correct!
You have two options to do this word search:
1. Listen to the word and find the place in town (easy version).
2. Read the information and find the place in town (challenging version).
Describe where you live to your classmates.
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