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How Can I Say It?

Let's Investigate!: I've Got Short Black Hair

A figure with a puzzle piece.

Observe these sentences from Peter's email:

  • I've got short black hair.
  • He's got black eyes and a big nose.
  • She's got long white hair and blue eyes.
  • My grandad hasn't got long hair.

colourful email

Thinking Time!: I've Got, She's Got or He's Got?

Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

Observe the image. With your partner, read the text and drag the correct option.

Three children posing for a photo.
Image by Freepik. Selfie of Kids Looking at Camera. In Freepik. CC BY
(Image modified for educational purposes)

My name is Anne. @@I've got@@ long straight dark hair. @@I've got@@ brown eyes and a big mouth. @@I haven't got@@ freckles. 

This is my cousin Sam. @@He's got@@ short blonde hair. @@He's got@@ blue eyes and a small mouth. 

This is my cousin Sophie. @@She's got@@ long wavy blonde hair and green eyes. @@She hasn't got@@ glasses.

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Structures: Have You Got Glasses?

A figure with a puzzle piece.

Watch the video about the verb Have got. Pay attention to the structures!

Source: author's own creation using Canva for Education.

Let's Talk!: Who's the Thief?

Three figures with a puzzle piece.

In groups of 3-4 students, discover the thief!

1. Choose an image (don't show it to your classmates!)

2. Your classmates ask questions about physical characteristics to discover the thief. For example: Have you got long hair?

3. Answer the questions until your classmates discover the thief. For example: Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Ask and answer questions using "she". For example: Has she got short hair? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn´t.

EXTRA ENGLISH HELP! Click on the card to read information about the thief.

Image by Thief. In Freepik. CC BY



In groups of 3-4 students, discover the thief!


1. Choose an image (don't show it to your classmates!)


2. Your classmates ask questions about physical characteristics to discover the thief. For example: Have you got long hair?


3. Answer the questions until your classmates discover the thief. For example: Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.


EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Ask and answer questions using \"she\". For example: Has she got short hair? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn´t.


EXTRA ENGLISH HELP! Click on the card to read information about the thief.


Image by Thief. In Freepik. CC BY
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Image by Valentyna MelnykCute Cartoon Little Kid Happy Girl FaceIn Canva for EducationCC-BY

(Image modified for educational purposes)

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Let's Practise!: She's Got Big Brown Eyes

Two figures with two puzzle pieces.

Observe the image. With your partner, fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Two siblings smiling
Image by Freepik. Siblings spending time together at home. In Freepik. (CC BY)
(Image modified for educational purposes=

Lily and James are siblings. has got straight blonde hair. She's got blue and a big mouth. She's got freckles. 

has got short dark hair and big blue eyes. He got freckles. 

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Let's Practise!: Listening Comprehension A

A figure with a puzzle piece.

Choose Listening Comprehension A or Listening Comprehension B.

Listen and select the correct words.




1. My name is Sally. I'm short. got long brown hair and eyes. I've got but I haven't got .

2. My mum has got long black hair. She's big eyes and freckles. She's got glasses.

3. My dad is tall. He's got short wavy hair and green . He's got a . He got glasses.

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Let's Practise!: Listening Comprehension B

A figure with a puzzle piece.

Choose Listening Comprehension A or Listening Comprehension B.

Listen and write the correct words.




1. My name is Sally. I'm short. got long brown hair and eyes. I've got but I haven't got .

2. My mum has got long black hair. She's big eyes and freckles. She's got glasses.

3. My dad is tall. He's got short wavy hair and green . He's got a . He got glasses.

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