Big Monsters 6

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Lesson 4: Are you British?

BrEnglish Vs AmEnglish:

Read and choose what variety they use:

a) What color is this?

b) This is my favourite animal.

c) I love the autumn and its colours. 

d) Come and see my apartment. 

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Listen and write:

Meeting in Japan:

MARTIN - Hello, I'm Martin.

JANICE - Hi, I'm Janice.

MARTIN - Where are you from?

JANICE - I'm from .

MARTIN - Oh, you're ! What a coincidence! I'm from Europe too. I'm !

JANICE - That's great! And what are you doing here in

MARTIN - I'm studying

JANICE  -Me too! And I'm learning about Asian food in general too.

MARTIN - Very interesting! Have you been in other Asian countries, so?

JANICE - Yes, I was in last summer. food is amazing! Do you know it? Have you tried it?

MARTIN - No, not yet, but I will!

JANICE - Well, my train is here, I have to go. It was nice to talk to you.

MARTIN - Sure, It was very nice for me too, thanks for this conversation, have a nice day!

JANICE - You too, bye! Take care!

MARTIN - Take care, goodbye!

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Read and choose the British option:

We love this city in ! There are lots of leaves on the floor. Their  are amazing! It's my place in the world!

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WRITING: 'My top ten':

  • In your notebook, create a list of ten countries you would like to visit.

  • Then, write your top ten of foreign languages you would like to speak. 

  • Finally, in groups, interview your classmates to know their top ten of countries and languages. 

  • Finally, elaborate a list of the favourite countries and languages of all the students of the class. 

  • Write all the voted countries on one list and all the voted languages on a different list. 

  • Then, vote.

  • Investigate about the three more voted countries and languages.

  • Finally, create a project about them with a final exposition.

Guess what...

What country contains these four nations: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland?