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GRAMMAR: Defining relative clauses to make definitions

Defining relative clauses to make definitions

Look at the three sentences below and complete the gaps with who, which or where.

  1. The fridge is an appliance _________ keeps food fresh
  2. Alexander Fleming was the doctor _________ invented penicillin
  3. China was the country _________ paper was invented.


Exercise 1

Complete the definitions with who, which or where.

Example: An octopus is a sea animal which has eight legs.


  1. A lawnmower is a machine cuts the grass.
  2. A computer is a device you save digital files.
  3. YouTube is a website you can watch videos.
  4. A teacher is a person works at school.
  5. A washing machine is an appliance we use to wash our clothes.
  6. A mechanic is a person fixes cars.
  7. A supermarket is a place we can buy food.
  8. A hoover is a machine cleans the floor.
  9. A actress is a woman acts on the stage, in movies or on TV

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Exercise 2

Write sentences with who, which or where.

Example: He / the boy / study / in my class -- He is the boy who studies in my class.


  1. That / the dog / always bark at night
  2. This / the shop / I always buy books
  3. This / the actor / was in my favourite TV series
  4. This / the family / lives next door to me
  5. That / the restaurant / they make delicious paella
  6. This / the lamp / is broken
  7. That / the doctor / treats my grandmother
  8. That / the cinema / I watched / The Lord of the Rings

Bonus Task

Need more practice? Click the links below and do a couple of exercises to consolidate this grammar point!