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What do we commemorate? / 9 May, Europe Day

Europe is a continent bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the South. It is separated from Asia by the Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River and the Caspian and Black Seas.

There are 50 sovereign states in Europe but only 28 belong to the EU (European Union). There are 741 million people living in European countries, which is 11% of world population.

Europe Day on 9 May celebrates the date the French Minister Robert Schuman proposed to create a European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 to regulate industrial production. This community became later the European Union.

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Facts Facts Facts Europe

Choose the right word.

1. The Atlantic borders some parts of Europe.

2. Europe is separated from Asia by the Caucasus , the Ural and the Caspian and Black .

3. There are states in Europe. Only belong to the EU.

4. True/False: There are as many offical languages as countries in the EU.

5. True/False: Robert Schuman proposed an organization to regulate coal and steel production.

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