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4. British Celebs

History Makers

Do you know John Lennon? Who was he? Is he alive?

Before introducing our next activity browse carefully through the following  SAMPLE slides and listen to them.


 Listen along

Portada John Lennon


Listen along



Listen along


This makes part of an unfinished presentation about a celebrity task that we will carry out next. Would you be able to

prepare a complete one of your own? Read on for details.

Present vs. Past

Before proceeding further, please note that when making a presentation about someone's life we usually need to use a

variety of verb tenses.  In slide number 3 (above) all the underlined verbs figure in the simple past tense.  But when

should you use this tense? 

Did you know they were British?

UK celebs
Kate Moore. UK (CC BY-NC-ND)

Beyond the royal family, there are many people in the UK who have made or are making history these days. We refer

to those famous personalities belonging to different fields and that people know: singers, actors/ actresses,

writers, athletes, etc.

Probably many of their names ring a bell but you might be surprised to learn that some of them are indeed British.

Have a look at the following spinning wheel and think how many you recognize.

British celebs

In this task we will work in groups to get to know one of these Britons  better. Which one? ☘️ Luck will play a role. In

groups of 4/5 you will spin the wheel twice (link under the picture) and you will choose one of the two celebrities that

show up. If the wheel happens to stop in the British sunglasses, then your group will have to propose another UK

celebrity, not included in the wheel.

Are you ready?


Once you have decided in your groups which celebrity of the two you prefer, you will search for info on  Google to make

a powerpoint presentation for the rest of the classroom.


To do so, take good note of the following TIPS:

- The celebrity's job is the most important information to say.

- Make sure each team member gets their equal share of work. You might want to find out about their age, family, place of birth and nationality (English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish?)  place of residence, famous songs/films, awards, etc.

- An index containing all the parts exposed in your presentation must appear in slide number 2.

- Use simple sentences and look up unknown words in the dictionary. Copying and pasting from the internet is forbidden! Remember that you must be able to clarify any doubts on the parts you prepare and talk about.

- Don't forget to include pictures in every slide of your presentation. This helps the audience to understand better and it increases their attention and interest while you are speaking.

- You may include a final slide showing 'The end' and/or 'Thanks for your attention'.

- Ask your teacher any questions you may have while working to make sure that you are doing well.

- Rehearse your part of the oral presentation at home. Practice makes perfect!


The evaluation of this task will take into account the following points: 1. Team work (a questionnaire about your team partners declaring their degree of active participation in the team, respecting others' ideas, helping each other within the team or proposing ideas), 2. Correct  content structure, including index, 3. Exposition of clear and simple ideas, 4. Pronunciation , 5. Fluency,  6. Voice volume, 7. Intonation, 8. Use of grammar and  9. Eye contact with your spectators. 

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