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About this unit

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This unit is part of a greater project called Across the Pond: Culture and Traditions in the UK, the USA, Ireland and Canada. This plan consists of a number of activities designed to foster the development of the linguistic-communicative competence through the analysis of cultural topics from the English-speaking world.

The units of Across the Pond  are designed for students in their fourth year of Secondary Education (ESO) or  any student at or between the levels of A2 and B1 ( Common European Framework of Reference for language learning).

In this section you have access to several documents:

1. User's manual: it contains instructions for students about how to interact with the unit.

2. List of units: it contains the names of all the units included in the project.

3. Teaching Guide: it contains information about different curricular aspects such as objectives, methodology, assessment, etc.



Licenzas por formación para o curso 2017-2018